Recovery Model

Historically it has been said that patients with mental illnesses cannot recover from their mental condition.  However, research suggests that fighting for and attaining some level of recovery-or restoration to a former or better state of being, is realistic.

Therefore, major dimensions of recovery:  Health, Home, Purpose, & Community.

  • Health: Encompasses both physical and emotional aspects.  Physical aspects include diet, adhering to medication, routine in daily living (check-ups, step-by-step, etc.).  Emotional aspects include social and spiritual well-being.
  • Home: Establish a safe and stable environment.  Be aware that the patient, after coming from an acute medical setting, may seem apprehensive.  Be aware that all aspects of the home environment can be used to benefit patients overall well-being.  For example: make environment safe, comfortable, quiet (low stimuli), etc.
  • Purpose: Important for family member to have meaningful daily activities to encourage motivation and to fulfill the natural desire to have purpose.
  • Community: Important for family member to have relationships/networks that are supportive (friendships, acceptance, love, hope).

Recovery is structured in self-determination and direction, but is reinforced by family members and peers.

Recovery is multidimensional and requires all 4 aspects, along with time and effort, in order to be achieved.

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